From December 2022, the site of ETC Deutschland is managed by Andreas Scholz, our former Head of Research & Development. He will receive support from Maurice Emunds, who has additionally been appointed Deputy Site Director of Jülich.
Andreas Scholz has many years of experience at ETC, where he began his career in 1994 and has since held leading positions in R&D, as well as being a member of the Management team. He has also gained international exposure across our business functions during assignments based in the Netherlands and the UK.
The appointment follows the loss of Stefan Kirchhoff, who suffered a sudden, short illness before passing away in August. “My thoughts go out to my predecessor, to whom we owe a lot,” says Scholz. “His work has provided us with an excellent starting point for the diverse and exciting tasks our teams are facing today. In the new year and beyond, we are expecting an increased demand and are currently preparing for this. I look forward to leading our teams in shaping technical innovations in challenging sectors such as sustainable energy solutions and the aerospace industry.”
The new Deputy Site Director, Maurice Emunds, is a fully qualified lawyer and has worked at our Jülich site since 2018 as the Divisional Head of Human Resources, Legal and Organisation. His professional experience dates back to 2008, when he began his career at the company as a student trainee. Alongside the responsibilities his new role involves, he will continue to be responsible for HR and Legal, as well as managing the expected growth of ETC Deutschland in the coming years.
The tasks and responsibilities of site management will be divided between these two colleagues, with Scholz taking the lead on technical and operational matters, while Emunds focuses on administrative and legal issues.
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